Information is provided about Mission for Vision's websites. This site is run by the Mission for Vision golf club, which supports Mission for Vision through their tournaments.

About Mission for Vision


Mission for Vision

The primary goal of Mission for Vision is to conduct research leading to effective treatments and cures for human eye diseases. The top priority is funding basic science or clinically relevant projects that search for understanding the causes of human-eye-disease. Mission for Vision also seeks to provide information related to eye disease for the public. Below are our most popular sites for information.

Tutorials and Study Guides (free)
Anatomy of the Eye
Ocular Pathology Tutorial
Study Guide for Anatomy of the Eye, Orbit and Relevant Neuroanatomy-www.medrounds.org
Ophthalmology Resident Manual (www.medrounds.org)
Ophthalmologic Pathology Board Review www.medrounds.org

Complications of LASIK
Dry Eye DiseaseThe Mission for Vision Golf Club is a supporting organization for Mission for Vision. The Club is also an official member of the United States Golf Association (USGA). The Club organizes golf tournaments for members and for sponsors to Mission for Vision. All proceeds support eye research. The club members donate their time to maintain this website, recruit authors, arrange logistic and sponsors for the tournaments. Most of the members are involved in some way in medical research or provide other services such as legal support and computer engineering to Mission for Vision. All revenue obtained from the advertising that appears on this site is donated to Mission for Vision for eye research. The club provides official USGA handicaps for its members and sponsors of Mission for Vision for a nominal annual fee. Club members can view their current handicap by number or initials by clicking on the link.


Publication for Patrick Morhun, M.D.

1: Ladas JG, Wheeler NC, Morhun PJ, Rimmer SO, Holland GN.
Laser flare-cell photometry: methodology and clinical applications.
Surv Ophthalmol. 2005 Jan-Feb;50(1):27-47. Review.
PMID: 15621076 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2: Morhun PJ, Weisz JM, Elias SJ, Holland GN.
Recurrent ocular toxoplasmosis in patients treated with systemic corticosteroids.
Retina. 1996;16(5):383-7.


Handicaps for Mission for Vision

Member Numbers/Index (updated immediately with each member's submission)
65-2661= 34.0
65-2718= Not published
65-2726= not published
65-2795= 9.4
67-8069= Not published

or see the updated link by initials.

Mission for Vision Golf Club


History of Golf

Controversy exists as to the origin of golf. The possible origins include a game called paganica from Rome, which ironically was played by emperors. The Latin word paganus means villager or commoner. There is a city called Paganica in Italy and a golf course in Wisconsin that bears that name. So don't necessarily be offended when someone refers to golf as a pagan sport; the irreverent nature of golfers language serves only to create a double entendre.
Other possiblities as to the origins of golf include a Chinese game called ch'ui wan with it origins about 300 BC, a Celtic game called "shinty" and a game called "khi" in Laos. But the ties to Scotland are unmistakable. History is replete with stories of shepherds who in the boredom of tending their flocks, hit rocks with their staffs. The shepherds in Germany claimed their grazing territorial rights by the distance they could hit the rock, the first long drive contests. The word 'golf' may be derived from the Dutch word "colf" or club and may have come from the game chole that involves hitting a ball to gate or wall sometimes long distances away. A sketch in a stain glass window, of a man probably playing chole, is the taken as the first evidence of golf in England.
From that point forward, golf was essentially developed in Scotland. One of the most interesting features is that in the 1400's golf was banned in Scotland because it distracted the population from archery; the archers were in short supply to fight the wars with the English .
It was not until the 1500's that golf was played at St. Andrews, considered the home of golf. Mary, Queen of Scots, made history when she played after the death of her husband Lord Darnley in 1567 without waiting for the proper period of bereavement. The first known female golfer was castigated publically and later beheaded (presumably unrelated). Some say that Mary had French cadets carry her clubs, hence the term caddy. Golf was banned in some cities on Sundays as attendance at sermons waned, but King James VI of Scotland ordained that the populace could play golf on Sundays. Interestingly, golf was banned in Albany, New York in 1659 as well, apparently golfers had taken to the streets (only Tiger can get away with that today).
It was not until 1834 that William IV designated the St. Andrews Golf Club as the "Royal and Ancient". Long hitters will love to learn that a feathery ball was hit 361 yards in 1836 by "Slammin Samuel Messieux", so there may be more to it than just equipment!

Mission for Vision Club Members